11-23-90 Hampton Rain


Suspicious of the quiet calm I feel
Trust,a word on a billboard in the distance
Emotions take on new shades in this gray light
Who ordered this day?I know,I know…
As the deck saturates each drop gets one last bounce
The landscape has gone from weekend country home
To some Zen Martian brush exercise
I prefer this stripped view,nothing to distract
from the big picture,drab
(except these God awful pants)
Birds pacing in the sky,knowing the bus has left already
But is it time to leave?
This time is priceless,soon the value will increase
Head on into the next step
Why now can I admit what I feel as the fear washes in
with the tide
Laughing voices make me smile,the undertow’s pull weakening
This place a pleasant memory,a reststop,perk
The forest wet,my appetite the same.