5-26-92 Love?



Why is it so hard to speak of strong emotions
Of things presented obvious in nature?
With nature now a foreign, imbalanced equation
And myself totally, entirely positive
(of nothing);
Years of selfless training,
Traditions that a family hold quietly overhead
As if they were proud of their inability.

Ask me not what I feel,I probably have no idea
Yet I am not without clues:
Like the most insidious of lies ( which are 99 % true)
Is the most dangerous of truths ( which are 99% true)
So hard to breathe a honest breath
Without tasting the chalky metallic taint charred in our memories…

I so wanted this to be a declaration of love
Witty,floral,crashing with truth
How could it when the ears that hear it
Chafe with fear like the lips that speak it
With both sets of senses knowing
That one touch could push away…
With the intimate always comes oblivion
Are we too good for this or not good enough?

What I think of as love holds you
Caresses and releases you without fear of abandonment
Worries and prays when you enter the unknown
Watches and smiles as you return and grow
Nothing gives me more joy than letting go.

Anything more I share would billow with paradox
For every offering ,a weight on the balance
No more need be or will be said.